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GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards


state of being passive/motionless


Significantly, millions of people came together to bid farewell to an age of quiescence. The examples are myriad: Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Algeria, Libya and Syria. In fact, classes, sectors and strata with economic and financial advantage have ...

According to Foukal, who presented his work yesterday here at the summer meeting of the American Astronomical Society, there is no reason to believe that the network of small faculae would persist during long periods of solar quiescence. ...

The vast majority of cells, from prokaryotes up to vertebrate organisms, spend most of their time in quiescence, a state defined as a temporary and reversible absence of proliferation. Establishing the quiescent state while maintaining the capacity to ...

David Petraeus' favorite tool for cowing populations into quiescence, the night raid, has led yet again to deaths NATO characterizes as insurgents but Afghans say are civilians. In this case, four were killed in an overnight raid Tuesday night, ...

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