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Build your Vocabulary with more than 1300+ free online practice questions/words

The GRE verbal reasoning section is most difficult and requires maximum preparation (Good vocabulary is key to success). The verbal test is scored on a scale of 130-170, in 1-point increments. GRE Verbal exam has questions on Reading Comprehension, Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence.

The test consists of 1300+ questions. You have to select right synonym.


  feeling of doubt temporary feeling of sickness
  have more power than others
  a procession
  severe criticism

Usage of qualm ...
For example, the one really unregenerate villain in the film is helpfully scar-faced, and he cackles over his misdeeds right at a key moment. That's to make it easier for even the most qualm-ridden. But who is really that qualm-ridden? Quakers? ...

Indeed, over the more than ten years I have run Ruthie's, I have observed that all of our patrons either are regular cigarette smokers or have no qualm with smoking being allowed inside Ruthie's." Separately, the suit argues that the city has ...

His choice for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was a huge surprise for Obama himself, but he had no qualm about collecting it. Now that Obama has got rid of Osama, Americans and people the world over expect him to end the decade-old Afghan war. ...

P: Elwood's major qualm seems to be that women should not have to cover up while breastfeeding. What are your thoughts about that as an employee for Westfield and as a woman? LH: I'm not going to go there. I'm just letting you know what our policy is. ...

The other qualm is the user interface. For the life of me, I can't get past the custom skin HTC includes on its phones. Call me a purist, but I'm partial to stock Android, no frills. HTC's Sense interface brings with it a bevy of cluttered menu screens ...

Toughest GRE Words

Below are some words (from our collection of 1300+ words) which were answered wrong by most users..
How Important is Verbal GRE?
Lot of international students ask... : I have a good score in TOEFL and if GRE Verbal really important? The short answer is YES. Again to improve vocabulary learn words/synonyms and their usage. Practice as much as you can. Reading quality text is very important(swallowing vocab words may not help a lot).


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upbraid : scold reproach

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