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Usage for warmonger

Tim Pawlenty for president would be like voting for that warmonger George W. Bush again. Pawlenty ran the state of Minnesota in the hole like Bush ran the country in the hole. You Bush lovers better wake up and see the light. Anyone who would vote for ...

As Netanyahu stared Obama down in the Oval Office and reminded Israelis and Americans alike why we have a special relationship, Livni was telling audiences in Washington and Israel that Netanyahu is a warmonger who will lead us to devastation if we ...

This evil warmonger and mass murderer helped devastate Europe in WW1, helped to devastate Europe and much of Asia in WW2 and was a rabid racist and imperialist who hated Indians and was responsible for deliberately starving 6-7 million Indians to death ...

Just like only a die-hard anti-communist like Nixon could open China, and a steely-eyed warmonger like Reagan could make peace with the Soviets, someone named Hussein Obama might be able to put the kabosh on Middle East terrorism. ...

Even Howard warmonger Berman is arguing against this stupid amendment. (However, if they defund the thing, I would like to see a bill introduced to donate that new giant dove-on-the-roof USIP building next to the Lincoln Memorial to the actual peace ...
