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Usage for venal

Not only is he a supreme hypocrite in the carbon intensive way he lives and the money he makes off the issue–as he accuses his opponents of venal motives–but his beyond hyperbolic shrieking causes people to roll their eyes in a “there he goes again,” ...

It really is the Yemeni people against the corrupt and venal forces that hold and have always held power. Good luck to them. To think that this was once the rich land of the Queen of Sheba, known to the Romans as Felix Arabia. ...

He studiously avoids making his corporate sponsors look stupid or venal. Most of them come off as smart, regular folks exercising the American art of the hustle. Spurlock has far too much in common with his subjects to pretend to be critical.

Day also inquired about US perspective on Nawaz Sharif “whom he described as 'potentially less venal' than other Pakistani leaders.” Previously published cables have already revealed what opinion Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and Saudi King ...

Now I have no idea if the old fellas (and they were all fellas in those days) were really as daft and venal as historians, especially of a nationalist bent, have since made out. But I do know that the boys of the old Parliament of Scotland had a bit of ...
