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Usage for trite

Having alien hordes constantly amble right into a shower of gunfire continues this trite theme, and the action teeters close to irrelevance too often. Eventually you wonder why this game even exists. It succeeds in delivering a campy story and a ...

I know that might sound trite or disingenuous. The Women's National Basketball Association isn't everyone's favorite sport. But I liked it. Not so much because of the basketball. It was slower and sloppier than the NBA game. But the players were happy ...

If you like them, you expect to be entertained visually, but not really challenged by the dialogue (which is very trite) or stimulated to think. That the impossible happens takes place to entertain you, not to encourage you to raise any questions about ...

According to a research paper quoted by Search Engine Land, as trite as it sounds, it's all about social. Local business review sites are powered by a community that creates the content. And while CitySearch "waited for anonymous reviewers to fall from ...
