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Usage for supercilious

Giving this supercilious young twit space for his spin along with the dreadful Bob Barr are concessions to the right I will not support by paying for the newspaper. This is no more journalism that the CATO's work is “research” it is propaganda in ...

Did anyone notice the supercilious smiles and smirks on the faces of Barack Obomber and David Camoron playing ping-pong against some kids in an inner-city school, acting as if they did not have a care in the world? What a perfect example of two ...

Pakistan's stubborn and equally supercilious military and intelligence establishment has a habit of not learning from its mistakes, no matter how serious they are. It was on October 10, 2009 that ten terrorists, dressed in army uniforms and brandishing ...

Her focus, though, has always been on her work: Even the supercilious enarques, France's civil service mandarins, value her. In addition to her competence, explains one Elysee aide, she always deals with challenges or feuds herself, never asking for ...

What made her successful is that -unlike those supercilious critics -she didn't sneer at her daytime-TV audience. She took them seriously, and offered them, from time to time, serious topics to consider. And it turns out, there was a well of power ...
