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Usage for regicide

Having been charged with regicide for the murder of King Foltest. In the first game, Geralt was assigned to be the King's protector and he eventually saved him from assassination. The questioning scene slowly starts to illustrate the events that ...

First up, the company will remount its hit production of Macbeth - a play about a regicide and its aftermath - from May 28 to June 2. This is a special performance, so it is running earlier in the season than usual. "It's got everything to do with the ...

This paper examines the frequency of violent death and regicide amongst 1513 monarchs in 45 monarchies across Europe between AD 600 and 1800. The analyses reveal that all types of violence combined account for about 22 per cent of ...

The Witcher 2 's well-written story, which (ironically) follows Geralt on a quest to clear his name after being framed for regicide, boasts a large cast of likable characters and several surprising plot twists. Even seemingly small choices like saving, ...

First of all, his only knowledge that his uncle/stepfather is guilty of regicide/fratricide comes from a ghost and, as Hamlet says, 'The spirit that I have seen may be the devil, and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape'. ...
