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Usage for pugnacious

The pugnacious forward has a huge appetite for work and is mighty quick. His finishing ability is lethal, from inside and outside the box." Alan Dudman showed an extremely healthy profit over the course of the season and is desperate to finish it off ...

More than 1000 people and several hundred pugs participated at this most un-pugnacious party at MacTarnahan's Taproom in Northwest Portland. Attendees donated a record $10000 to help animals at the humane society. "This was the most well attended Pug ...

Gabrielle Giffords, in critical condition after an assailant shot her in the head, is known as a pugnacious rising star. This picture was taken in November 2007, when Gabrielle Giffords married Mark Kelly. Courtesy Of Us Rep. ...

Terry Smith, City veteran, pugnacious former director of Collins Stewart and manager of the Fundsmith Equity Fund, has turned a critical eye onto one of our favourite subjects — exchange traded funds. And… it turns out… he doesn't like what he sees. ...
