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Usage for prudish

Somewhere down the line, we became sexually as prudish as the rest of the world and got a bit more selective about what ought to go on between sheets and between whom and under what circumstance. But to put same-sex love (between two consenting adults, ...

Permeating the show is a recurring sense of teenagers against the world, radicalised by a disturbed relationship with their prudish guardians. Hutchinson hopes this too will draw a new audience. 'The musical demonstrates what happens when people stop ...

The ballet isn't prudish—Tudor's monkeys are holy, too. And if “Shadowplay” leaves viewers scratching themselves like the ballet's hero, this multi-layered ballet's inventions are well worth the occasional awkwardness. Better to be bold. ...

Playboy finally arrived—uncensored—on the iPad Thursday, but not through Apple's prudish App Store. It came as an iPad-optimized Web app, which means it doesn't have to abide by the App Store's rules or share subscription revenue ...

From the prudish impulses of the Counter-Reformation, to the Vatican's use of the fig leaf as a genital cover-up a century later, to modern Christians objecting to a nude Christ sculpted out of chocolate (it was the nakedness, not the tastiness that ...
