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Usage for pitfall

The next pitfall: Page Adjacency, or which sites or channels are actually showing your ad: This problem has been around for a while, but has been exacerbated by the increased demand for video ads. What happens is that your ad runs on a variety of sites ...

America's founding fathers took pains to curb what they saw as democracy's principal pitfall, “the tyranny of the majority,” but today Santa Monica suffers from what can only be seen as the tyranny of a minority, with the will of a relatively small ...

EPA must avoid this pitfall by initiating an even-handed review of the science and policy on biomass energy that doesn't skew the outcome through arbitrary assumptions." NAFO's full comments on the deferral rule are available on its website.

Rather than block all access to the Internet, parents can see that for every pitfall, there's a potential promise. "Parents can and should moderate sites, but they have to give kids the opportunities to figure out what it means to be digital citizens, ...
