Graduateshotline >> GRE Word List

Usage for pertain

If you don't raise hogs, you might think that doesn't pertain to you, but it does. Interstate marketing restrictions, which can run up the cost of pork, have been lifted for Texas swine. Brucellosis swine is caused by a ...

While we invite you to contribute your opinions and thoughts, we request that you refrain from using vulgar or obscene words and post only comments that directly pertain to the specific topic of the story or article. Comments that are derogatory in ...

These cases pertain to the new proviso added to section 2(15) of the Income Tax Act, applicable from 2009-10. The new norm disentitles tax exemption to any trust or society, engaged in the advancement of any object of general public utility, ...

Search Tip: Enter word(s) that pertain to the event that you are looking for. Add An Event Tip: Keep the community up to date with our shared Events Calendar. You can have your event up and posted in just a couple of minutes with our easy to use Event ...

The ruling Wednesday by US District Judge Larry Burns says defense attorneys for 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner should get copies of the letters because they pertain to the attorney-client relationship. For that same reason, Burns says the court also ...
