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Usage for maudlin

Nothing maudlin or unnecessary; just an honoring of the respect and appreciation that bubbled up from my heart. Say what you will -- I know there are some who will nitpick about her earrings or chair, or the fact that it was taped rather than live--or ...

Where Mr. Marmalade was creepy, funny, unnerving, and weird, this is melancholy and, frankly, maudlin. Although the friend who joined me for the evening found Saturn Returns moving and convincing, I found it treacly and fake. The language strains for ...

He wrote that Ms. Koka was “a reasonably good singer of French songs” and called the production “nothing more than a maudlin B-movie biography. The show closed after three weeks. Ms. Koka took the disappointment in stride, said her son Jeffrey Wollman. ...

"Without getting maudlin, this is what I wanted to do since I was a kid," said Butt, the creator and co-star of Hiccups, which kicks off its second season Monday, May 30 on CTV. "So maybe not every day, but at least a couple ...

The maudlin stream of water that babbles to itself, flows from a small opening near the top of the back wall. The opening is scarcely large enough to admit the body of a man, even the body of a man in a hurry to get in…The hole is said to continue ...
