Graduateshotline >> GRE Word List Usage for liberalityAs this was primarily a speech about the economy, Mr Romney offered little to social conservatives, except for raw love of country, which he he shoveled on with zealous liberality. "I love America's greatness", Mr Romney confessed at one point. ... And encompass in this gift are gratitude, acceptability, benefits, favour, gifts, joy, liberality, pleasure, thanks, worthiness, etc. As soon as we can bypass / disregard the divisive spirit of religion and faithfully accept the gift from God (Yahweh), ... He has said that as it has been preached in Buddhism and angry man should be conquered by love, evil man by goodness, a liar by fruitfulness and a miser by liberality. The President in his Vesak Day message states that Sri Lanka should show to the ... Let a miser be won over by liberality; and a liar by truthfulness,” he said quoting the Dhammapada. The teachings of the Buddha provides the means of resolving disputes that arise from unbridled desire, the President said. ... The paper's current management had argued that bonuses, being a gratuity, were just given out of the “liberality” of the paper. The paper claimed it registered a loss in 2009 and that the board, in a resolution passed on November 26 of the same year, ... |