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Usage for haughty

O'REILLY: …and here's the Northern governor and the Northern governor is getting a little haughty and you didn't like it very much. HUCKABEE: Oh, that's probably some of it. But a lot of it was on issues. I felt like that there was a lack of ...

First we got a lot of haughty “go-away” looks. That hasn't changed. I love doubles so if I have to write some more ill talk some about that. The fantastic Bryan Brothers from Camarillo California beat Jamie Murray and big Chris Guccione. ...

It is possible. But the two don't go naturally hand-in-hand the way, oh, rich and haughty do. They taught that every day I was at Northwestern; it's sad — yet another sad aspect in a tawdry little tragedy — that Rod Blagojevich missed the lesson.

The familiar thick eyebrows joined at the bridge of the nose are there, as are the trademark haughty stare and the scraped-back hair. The startling thing about the latest Frida Kahlo self-portrait to come up for auction is its size. ...
