Graduateshotline >> GRE Word List

Usage for germane

Spokesman Ken Raber says ElectriCities is in negotiations with Duke and Progress over issues that are germane to the merger. Key among those is ensuring that the merger does not give Duke so much market power that the utilities are unable to negotiate ...

Readers are reminded to post comments that are germane to the article and write in a common language that steers clear of personal attacks and/or vulgarities. Readers may report comments by clicking report abuse. Once a comment has been flagged, ...

Readers are reminded to post comments that are germane to the article and write in a common language that steers clear of personal attacks and/or vulgarities. Readers may report comments by clicking report abuse. Once a comment has been flagged, ...

Readers are reminded to post comments that are germane to the article and write in a common language that steers clear of personal attacks and/or vulgarities. Readers may report comments by clicking report abuse. Once a comment has been flagged, ...

Readers are reminded to post comments that are germane to the article and write in a common language that steers clear of personal attacks and/or vulgarities. Readers may report comments by clicking report abuse. Once a comment has been flagged, ...
