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Usage for excoriation

She had recently noticed more areas of excoriation and purulent discharge from the involved tissues. No fever, night sweats, or cough were present. History The patient had no health care facilities in her community and had traveled 2 days on a donkey ...

In a written judgment handed down at the high court, Eady said: "It is fairly obvious that wall-to-wall excoriation in national newspapers, whether tabloid or broadsheet, is likely to be significantly more intrusive and distressing for those concerned ...

High Court Judge Mr. Justice Eady wrote that “It is obvious that wall-to-wall excoriation in national newspapers… is likely to be significantly more intrusive and distressing for those concerned than the availability of information on the internet or ...

Increasingly they contrasted with his excoriation of her in the diaries; towards the end Manning communicated only in notes left around the house. Admirably, she remained loyal to him beyond his death. Clark had singular ambition. ...

It's the excoriation of George Stephanopoulos by his colleagues for asking Obama about Bill Ayers after Sean Hannity suggested he do so media. It's the Dan Rather forged documents to attack George Bush's military service media. ...
