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Usage for encumbrance

Apart from these documents, make sure to get the encumbrance certificates from the sub-registrar. The encumbrance certificate tells you the record of last 30 years. All taxes should have been paid on the property. You should get this from municipality ...

When a mortgage is foreclosed, the mortgage servicing agent (in this case Deutsche Bank) has a fiduciary duty to take whatever steps are needed to take back the property free and clear of “encumbrances” upon the title. An “encumbrance”, in this context ...

An encumbrance to pay Advanced Academics $150000 has not been spent due to an on-going dispute with the company over billing. The Freedom school board voted to cancel the encumbrance for 2009-10 and move it forward to fiscal year 2010-11. ...

"This is more of a social statement than an encumbrance to the city financially," said Councilman Roger Ruggles. Ruggles said his research showed that in cities where this type of ordinance was enacted, budgets for benefits went up about 1 percent. ...
