Graduateshotline >> GRE Word List

Usage for effluvia

On the day of the flat tire, I excavated layer after layer of effluvia that my husband cannot bear to discard. A child-sized set of catcher's equipment, in red, from a summer tournament at least 14 years ago. A bag of extra pennies, middle-school size. ...

The narrative seems like some addict's hallucinogen-induced dream, with characters and motivation floating in and out like so much effluvia. It's easy for some readers to feel lost in such a narrative and give up. Thankfully, Hagedorn populates her ...

We did notice that once the rear seat slid all the way forward, an awkward trough opened up at the front of the load floor into which small toys, food particles, and other effluvia would undoubtedly fall. Our one big quibble, however, ...
