Graduateshotline >> GRE Word List

Usage for cadge

Halloween, once a Christian religious observance on the eve of All Saints Day, has become a costumed extravaganza where young children parade around neighborhoods at dusk and cadge candy from strangers. Public art museums now house vast numbers of ...

Maybe dogs use their doe-y eyes and their grinning faces, lolling tongues and prancing gait and untetherable exuberance at seeing our return from whatever faraway land all just to cadge a bit of kibble or a slice of luncheon meat deemed a day past its ...

Tim McMullan turns Simyonov-Pischik, the landowner always on the cadge, into a killingly funny parody of a likeable bounder from a Feydeau farce. And the fact that Chekhov's characters are writhingly impaled on contradictions is conveyed at ...

Meanwhile, I'd rather cadge for coins on a freeway ramp than do business with a payday loan outfit. Melba Juarez was lucky, but luck isn't a solution. Bob Richter is the Express-News public editor. His opinions are his own. Contact him at 210-250-3264 ...
