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Usage for bigot

superdoofus I wonder if Bill the bigot will put this site(death by 1000 papercuts) on his show as an example of the right wing hate sites? - Kid Funkadelic I get it now. The know-nothing editor of this blog just keeps POSTING THE SAME GARBAGE over and ...

One man found himself the subject of a flyer that was distributed in his home town; it called him a "bigot" and stated his association with a particular Catholic Church. It also listed his donation to Prop 8. In another case two women painted the words ...

If you profess a faith in God then you are a bigot. At least according to one NBC Sports blog that is available here. In that piece Rick Chandler explains how Fox Sports Samantha Steele is really a bigot for asking a question about the NBA's policy on ...

I recently participated in a very long, very contentious thread over at Alas, a Blog about whether or not it is ever acceptable to, when debating a person's position, call the position or the person a bigot. I fell on the side of the argument that yes, ...

The USOC has hired an anti-gay bigot, and they are not right to defend him. I don't think they both have a valid point. Do you think the USOC would get away with appointing a proud KKK member who thought that mixed race marriages were against god? ...
