![]() Graduateshotline >> GRE Word List Usage for aberrationBut in some ways it was peculiarly un-American--almost, you might say, an aberration born out of the unique circumstances of the cold war. It is a reason to look back with pride, but not a pointer to the future. For one thing, we tend to view it as rare and bizarre -- an inexplicable aberration in the normal order of things. For another, it leaves us feeling idiotic and ashamed. Like the term paper returned to us covered in red ink, being wrong makes us cringe ... Any aberration would make him liable. Any deviation would dilute the dignity of the institution and office,” a Bench of Justices GS Singhvi and AK Ganguly said. Senior advocate Basava Prabhu Patil, representing Justice Dinakaran, contended that the ... Spherical aberration, which can contribute to irregularities in the visual system, can create halos and glare. Spherical aberration is a type of image blur caused by light rays striking the lens periphery where they are bent too much -- over refracted ... The NAR cited unusual weather and economic softness but said the severity of the slump raises questions about whether April will just be a one-month aberration. Another forward-looking indicator on the housing market, new-home sales, sported a gain in ... |