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Build your Vocabulary with more than 1300+ free online practice questions/words

The GRE verbal reasoning section is most difficult and requires maximum preparation (Good vocabulary is key to success). The verbal test is scored on a scale of 130-170, in 1-point increments. GRE Verbal exam has questions on Reading Comprehension, Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence.

The test consists of 1300+ questions. You have to select right synonym.


  break off
  to hinder obstruct or block
  To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious
  to darken; make obscure; muddle

Usage of obfuscate ...
Then you short some US Treasuries, go long on some foreign stocks and bonds, shuffle these instruments like marked cards in a magic trick, pay enormous fees to some fancy lawyers and tax accountants to obfuscate, and abracadabra, no tax. ...

Then you short some US Treasuries, go long on some foreign stocks and bonds, shuffle these instruments like marked cards in a magic trick, pay enormous fees to some fancy lawyers and tax accountants to obfuscate, and abracadabra, no tax. ...

Apparently, the president finds it very frustrating when people see through his attempts to obfuscate, and he comes back with further obfuscation in continuing attempts to appear to be saying something different from what he actually said. ...

This discourse serves to obfuscate significant democratic discontinuities. To their credit, some media outlets did report on the differences, the most significant being the Democratic Alliance's radical break with its "fight back" posture dating from ...

Shell tries to obfuscate things with environmental-impact statements and spin, but in the end it comes to this: will the traitors who govern this country allow such an assault to succeed, or will we stop it? Will raw gas come ashore to be refined and ...

Toughest GRE Words

Below are some words (from our collection of 1300+ words) which were answered wrong by most users..
How Important is Verbal GRE?
Lot of international students ask... : I have a good score in TOEFL and if GRE Verbal really important? The short answer is YES. Again to improve vocabulary learn words/synonyms and their usage. Practice as much as you can. Reading quality text is very important(swallowing vocab words may not help a lot).


Word of the day

lachrymose : causing tears; tearful

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