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Usage for propitious

Otherwise, the outlook is hardly propitious for the Congress and its sulking friend, the DMK. It isn't only a patchy electoral performance which must have left a feeling of dissatisfaction in the Congress. The embarrassing goof-ups over the “most ...

Five months after a propitious January decline in its stock price, shares of Target lag behind much of the rest of the retail industry. Target shares are down 5 percent from a year ago, while the S&P index of 31 retailers is up 22.1 percent and the 80 ...

Seeing as how we've spent the past week discussing team ownership in one form or another (or yet another), it seems a propitious time to note that, as bad as we in Atlanta may think we have, we don't have Fred Wilpon. Fred Wilpon owns the Mets. ...

My 40s didn't look especially propitious. In those days, answering machines had little tapes, and one day, there was a message, saying, “This is Oprah Winfrey and I'm calling to tell you that I've just finished reading 'The Deep End of the Ocean,' and ...
