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Usage for morose

After unleashing the world's most depressing trailer, followed by a slightly less depressing trailer, it seems like the developers over at Deep Silver were trying to make us all morose as hell over their upcoming zombie ...

NEW YORK (Reuters) - It may appear morose, but the director of a heart-wrenching documentary about doctor-assisted dying in Oregon hopes his film offers an uplifting lesson on how to live life. With the blunt title, "How To Die In ...

Her once-sunny disposition turned morose, and her vigorous workouts declined to a measly 20 minutes of walking a day. When one doctor's tests revealed no explanation, Ms. Sweet said, he told her she had “chronic pelvic pain and I should learn to live ...

One song had a long, ominous intro, and there were some morose lyrical passages, but for the most part, “Narrow Stairs” sounded like Death Cab. Three years later, the Seattle-based pop-rock quartet returns to town (see “If you go”), again riding the ...

First, his apology to Chicago Bulls fans, disgruntled Toronto Raptors fans, morose Cleveland Cavaliers fans, and everyone who hates the Miami Heat. Because Noah's weak game is directly linked to the Heat's 96-85 win Sunday night, ...
